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Intro to Relational Competency


How well are you listening and connecting to people? Your boss? Coworkers? Friends? And family?

Learn a simple way of communicating beyond difference! The process can work in any relationship, both professionally and personally.

We invite you to our Safe Conversations Workshop on March 8, 2020 from 1:30pm-4:30pm.

Amy Fabrikant (www.amyfabrikant.com) and Kirsten Henning (www.kirstenhenning.com) are both certified and trained facilitators bringing people together from diverse communities, seeking integration and equity. This includes a wide range of people—from Girl Scouts to business leaders to folks working on restorative practices in schools.

Together we will guide you in the process of developing concrete practices and tools. Develop a toolkit of three simple steps, which will empower you in your work environment and with friends and family.

  1. Become more inclusive and present as you build self awareness tools

  2. Develop more empathy as you explore limiting beliefs and judgments

  3. Connect more authentically as you practice a new language system

We’ve seen success and so can you!

About RelationshipsFirst/Safe Conversations

RelationshipsFirst/Safe Conversations™ is one of the most successful relational tools and communication strategies on the market today. It was developed over 30 years ago by Harville Hendrix PhD and Helen LaKelly Hunt PhD and has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show 17 times! Safe Conversations is spreading with workshops for adults, kids, teens, and with special programs for classrooms, first responders and veterans because it works for all people!